Our Expertise at your service

With our experts in different fields, we speak the same language as you and we provide you with the right tools and features for your industry at a fair price.

Whether you are a start-up or a big company, we support you dealing with data protection laws, and digitalizing the company by integrating all the departments (CRM, Inventory, HR, Accounting,...) into one system.

Unsere Erfolgsgeschichten

Utility Industries Re-invented: Modern Solutions for Old Problems. 

Utility industries

Alle Unternehmen der Versorgungswirtschaft (Strom, Gas, Wasser, ....) können von unserem Know-How in den Projektmanagement-Modulen von Odoo sowie den Weiterentwicklungen der CRM- und Sales-Module (Angebote für Ihre Heizungs- und Versorgungssysteme,...) mit Branchenbezug profitieren.
Dies sichert die Kundenzufriedenheit und erfüllt die gesetzlichen Vorgaben mit Blick auf Finanzen und Datenschutz.

Enbw ProjeKt

Unsere Experten

Simplified, Automated and Interconnected


With Odoo, manufacturing is connected to all other related functions of the industry, from purchase to inventory to sales.

With the Odoo modules, you have all visibility over the manufacturing process that encompasses production. Odoo helps you to forecast demand and adjust the production and required materials accordingly.

Unsere Erfolgsgeschichten 

Treffen Sie unsere Experten

Manage your Purchases.

Plan, follow up, and ensure the fair distribution of all inputs into the warehouses after confirmation of the MRP (Material Requirements Planning).

Product lifecycle management

With product lifecycle management (PLM ), it is more sophisticated to manage the Bill of Materials (BoM) for new products and to have full control over the Engineering Change Orders (ECO).

Stock movements and Real-time tracking 

Control your inputs and outputs efficiently through the inventory module.
Benefit from real-time tracking of the stocks via the implementation of Barcodes and RFID tags.

Your Fully Integrated Solution


Odoo E-Commerce means not 
only a fully responsive design,
freely customizable, product
pages, and an easy-to-use
WYSIWYG editor, but also full integration with all other business processes, such as website, CRM, sales, warehouse, and marketing

(In Arbeit)

Meet our experts

Fully integrated website and CMS system

With Odoo, you can nurture your leads with valuable content about the potential customers. You can accordingly list attractive products on your website.
The Website can be connected with other modules such as sales, inventory, and reporting.

Manage your Online-Shop

With Product Data Management (PIM), you can control your product listings as well as their presentation, and ensure them with secure payment and accurate shipping and drop shipment.  

Automated Marketing

With Odoo, you can have multi-channel marketing where you can fully set up your social media, email marketing, blogs, newsletters, etc...
Engage with your audience and guide them through each step of your selling process.

Success story PHILON  

Trade and Services: 
Doing Business Was Never as Easy as Now.

Trade and Services

Handels- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen können ihre Prozesse mithilfe von Projektmanagement, Online-Meetings, Zeiterfassung und Rechnungsstellung optimieren . Dank Odoo können Einzel- und Großhändler elektronische Verträge mit elektronischen Signaturen verwalten und den Überlick über alle Einkäufe, Verkäufe und Bestände in einem System behalten .


Unsere Experten

Stay on top of your inventory

Once identifying the minimum quantity as the threshold, Odoo will set up a command for the reorder to be launched.

  Keep track of your delivery , sales, and confirmation lead times.

German localization

With us, you can follow the German layout  of invoices and necessary documents ( invoices, delivery notes, quotations orders,...) that will be generated effortlessly after keep booking the data for the buying and selling operations.

We comply the requirements of German financial consultants (e.g. the number of the invoice must not be changed after creating an invoice).

Our Apps

Connect with your customers

With CRM you can have a full overview of your customer's needs, so you can communicate and provide them quotations in order to optimize your conversion rate.

Field Service Management (FSM) 

Now you can control the field services and have a full overview of the progress of your projects
Real-timedata exchange that allows you to make onsite and operational decisions.

Connect your company with an IT environment

You can connect all your ERP systems and solutions (SAP, DATEV,...) and integrate all your departments like accounting, CRM, and HR in one system.

Easy expansion of the system

With Odoo, you can grow your business to reply to more scalable and adaptable needs by expanding from one sector to two or more  sectors (i.p. solar, heat, electricity,...).